Thursday, March 6, 2008

The crazy threes

I love the two's. Whoever said that they were "terrible" was wrong. Now, the three's are a whole different ball game. They learn how to USE all of those words that they were learning as a two-year-old. "NO" is a favorite in our household and many other clever, sweet, adorable words that the older brothers have taught the younger ones that I will spare you from. Anyway once-in-a-while the little monster in my three-year-old goes away and I am left with the funniest kid ever. If you look closely at this photo, he is wearing ski goggles and cowboy boots. Quite the combo.
He wore the ski goggles for a few days and loved them so much, he would sleep with them. He has the funniest personality. I tried to blog the video I took of him in his car seat, strumming an "air" guitar and singing to the radio with his eyes closed and his head moving with the beat, but it didn't work. Oh well.....
In this photo, I was in the kitchen cleaning while he was bringing all of his favorite toys into the kitchen and made himself a cozy little bed. He had 3 pillows stacked and it took him quite awhile to get the blanket just right with all of his toys on it. It took him a few tries to keep everything in its place while he got under the blanket. He was happy as a little clam. LOVE HIM.


bolingbrokes said...

this is why i love blogging, we are documenting their adorable goggles and cowboy boots, that is too perfect!

J said...

So cute!!!! He looks like so much fun...aren't you glad we have blogs so we can document and share all our adventures? Love you!!!

Melissa said...

I love the ski are so funny!