Thursday, January 24, 2008


This past weekend we decided to take a trip to the ranch. The boys didn't have any games, so at the last minute we jumped in the car and drove to Bicknell. This time of year is the reason that I couldn't live there in the winter. It is so dang cold-the wind blows and so I sit inside trying to get a few projects done, but mostly I sit by the wood-burning stove and read a good book while my husband braves the cold and does projects outside, (silly Dan). My boys ride the motorcycle and go-cart until their hands are about to fall off, then come inside to do some of their favorite activities.......Luke (aka Luke Skywalker), can't get enough of the Star Wars series that we keep down at the ranch.....Do you think he is close enough to the action?
I was curious when everything was quiet so I went looking for my children. Then I walked into the pool room and saw this scene....what could all four of my boys be doing?
Oh........they were all envolved in very intense game boy games, even my youngest, and people wonder why we don't get a Wii or Game cube etc. My boys would turn into robots.
This is what we came home to on Monday. I got stuck at the foot of our driveway trying to plow my way through a couple feet of snow, somehow my minivan just didn't cut it, go figure. It took us awhile to dig out. FUN STUFF!!!


Carrie said...

What the Remodeled Ranch??? Wheres the woodsy wall paper? with the deers??? I just dont understand.....

megan&steve said...

Hardworking boys with an awesome mom. You deserve to sit by the fire at the ranch and snuggle into a good book. Your boys are brave to ride their motorcycles until their hands are so frozen they burn. We should do lunch at Heathers one day this week with Linda again!

Melissa said...

Love that pic with all of them entranced in their games! At least they were quiet for a few minutes!

Rachel said...

That's classic - "Hey don't sit to close to the TV... When the timer goes off games are off" - just a few quotes I have been saying A LOT lately. Lego Star Wars has taken over my 4 year old -although I will say it is a great bargaining chip! Gotta love boys! Glad you had fun!

Beka said...

that pic of the 4 boys and their video games is sooooooooooo funny!