Wednesday, January 16, 2008

New Year

This is what our New Year has started off like. LAZY!! Notice anything wrong with this picure? This is Dan and my bed, but where are we??? This is how every morning on this holiday vacation started off like. One by one, the rugrats would get into our warm bed with us until there was no longer any room and we would get pushed out of bed. We enjoyed the time off of school, work etc. I feel that the holidays went by too quickly and was one big whirlwind. Now that the kids are back in school and Dan is back at work, I feel like I am getting a little bit more accomplished. I am getting back into the routine etc. I still wish that we could all sleep in again for a little while longer.

1 comment:

J said...

I agree. I love having my kids home - though we don't get to sleep in much (3 of them are early risers:) ). I thought that was your bed...we've considered going to a King for that very reason. Anyway, they are adorable! And they are growing up so fast!
Love ya!