Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Rock Star

My son is in the car WAY too much, which means, so am I. He is picking up on many lyrics and the rythmns of many popular songs. One day we were driving and I looked back and this is what I saw. Each time I stopped to take a video, he stopped doing his air guitar performance. So, I had to take the picture while I was driving. (I have to make this disclaimer: Please DO NOT TRY THIS AT HOME, I am a licenced driving professional.) I love this video, he is a rock star.... I will save this for our American Idol try-out in 13 years.

Tuesday, April 1, 2008


I love Easter, although this year it happened to sneak up on us rather quickly. We enjoyed dyeing eggs with some of the neighborhood kids. Although Jessica looks a little bit sad, I really think that she was having just as much fun as the children. (or was it the refelection of the "tinfoil" that we had lining the table so it wouldn't get stained) who knows???
The Easter bunny came to our house and gave us WAY too much candy. But I think that my boys didn't seem to mind all of the sugar that was in their baskets.
It was a bit cold the day we dyed the eggs, notice the winter coat and the forced smile. He is trying to to say that he really was having SO much fun. Look at that cute girl next to him, she is yummy.