Monday, November 26, 2007


This is how we all felt after a delicious meal at my mother-in-law, Nancy's house. The morning started off with a large famiy photo downtown at Busaths. It was cold. All of Nancy's children were there with their families, so it was a lot of fun for her to get a picture. Everyone (including the kids) was very patient. After the photo, we went home and finished the baking and took our portion of the meal to Nancy's. We ate and ate and ate, then played games and then ate some more, because you have to finish the meal with pie and ice cream. We had a lot of fun with the cousins. Especially the ones from out of town. Not because they are the same ages as my boys, but because they are GIRLS!!! We have one girl cousin that lives here in Draper, and we love her, she babysits for us and is wonderful. We went to the Hale Center Theatre one night...
we went downtown to see the lights at Temple Square and went to the Discovery Museum at the Gateway Mall, which was a lot of fun.
Josh barely had to walk, he was carried on someones shoulders the whole time....lucky sucker.
Josh was ready for the cold.
Thanks to Nancy for having us all over for Thanksgiving. We had a lot of fun and I am pretty lucky to have married into a great family. I have a lot to be thankful for.


megan&steve said...

aren't inlaws the BEST? I love how bundled up JOshy is in the pictures. I"m so glad you joined the blogging world, and I can stay updated on the Sampsons!

bolingbrokes said...

I love Thanksgiving...I love to eat and I love to sit after I eat and do nothing...I love your pictures, they are so adorable!!

Pickett Family said...

Looks like you had a great time, and so fun to take a big family photo. I think we all felt like Dan looked after just keeps going like that till ...maybe Jan 15thish.

Melissa said...

Dan has got it down...I love relaxing on the sofa after I have just stuffed my face!! Glad you had a good Thanksgiving!

Melissa said...

Not to be annoying or anything's time to get a move on updating your blog. Just a thought:)