Thursday, September 3, 2009

Summer Friends

The Hollands came to visit- we had fun hanging out with them and seeing our kids hit it off.
The Williams family came down to say good-bye. Their family lived behind us and her kids we my kids' buddies. They moved to Little Rock and it has been sad to have them gone. My house is much quieter without them. We miss their cute faces.

Luke found a friend this summer. He is my kid that finds plenty of animal friends. He found a large frog in Lake Powell that his uncle (Steve) "rescued" and set free. Luke was NOT happy.

Here is Bens friend that moved to Arkansas. It is difficult getting used to not having these kids around-we miss them. !!!!

Goodbye Summer

This summer was a lot of fun and I am lamenting that it is over already and that my kids are in school. Camp was short, but we had such great kids this summer that made it fly by even faster! We had a few visits from family and friends. My nephew came down and spent time with my boys- we love JW. Linda came down and saved me from cooking by myself the first weekend. My mom came down and saved me the rest of the summer. We then went to Lake Powell with some friends and stayed on a beautiful houseboat and had a great time! (pictures to follow when I find my camera battery)...Love,Love,Love my summers------school, here we come!