Monday, November 17, 2008


I never used to be a big fan of Halloween. But for the last few years, I have really started to enjoy the festivities of it all. We did a lot of fun things as a family this fall. We always love to do the traditional things, like picking out our own pumpkins, carving, etc. But we found some other fun things to do too. We went to Cornbellys at Thanksgiving Point and we also went to Farnsworth Farms one night and did a hayride, watched a video outside and had hot chocolate and doughnuts. I am really getting into the spirit of Halloween!!!
Discovering the little tools that are easier to carve with has definately made pumpkin carving a much more enjoyable experience. I could never figure out how everyone could do such intricate carvings with such a huge knife. One favorite find to make Halloween a better holiday. (I know that everyone on the planet knows about these, but I am really slow).

Costumes were a lot easier this year. My Darth Vader wanted to be Darth last year, so we got the costume together and then at the last minute, spiderman was much more attractive and Darth Vader was a stupid idea. So, this year we decided to try it again, and it worked. Luke Skywalker had the look and with a borrowed karate uniform....Tada! The other two costumes were on sale and there you go... No sewing, no going broke, and not a lot of thought had to go into these this year, who knows aobut next????

I know that these look professionally done, but no, they were done by some pretty creative kids. PURE TALENT.

Dan found a new way to take the little boys trick-or-treating this year. He thought that this was a FABULOUS idea! Since the kids run from house to house (note the child in the back ground demonstrating this fact) this would be a much easier way to keep up with them. Nice, huh?

Another Birthday

Luke turned 6 in October. It just happened to be on our anniversary when he decided to come into our family. We had a couple of small parties with the family for his big day. We were at grandmas in this pic and he was able to be with his cousins from Colorado-girls! He was a little embarrassed when we all sang to him.
There is nowhere like Chuck E. Cheese-yum. to spend a little time to celebrate. This year was not a friend party, but we took one of his best buddies with us anyway.

Happy Birthday to my big 6 year old!!!